religious manifestations of intertextuality in poetry of broudi


صادق فتحی دهکردی

استاذ مساعد، قسم اللغة العربیه و آدابها، جامعة کردستان مجتبی گروسی

ماجیستر فی اللغة العربیة و آدابها، جامعة کردستان


mahmoud sami baroudi, a celebrated egyptian poet was a pioneer of innovation . he could bring back the beauty and freshness to the arabic poetry. since he was brought up in a religious family and since he considered moral refinement as an output of literature, he tried to teach principles of islam in his poetry and to propagate social, religious, and moral values among people such as : romise fulfillment, virtue, orayer, trustworthiness,liberality, bravery, and so on . this paper will try to discuss some of these values in the poet’s works.

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